You have more freedom to choose what to include in your meals and snacks. WW’s points system allows for a flexible diet, so it’s easier to commit to for most people. Your allotted points limit gets adjusted as you lose weight. No food is off-limits with WW’s SmartPoints system you only have to stay under your daily maximum points limit. Healthier foods (mostly foods that are higher in protein) are assigned lower SmartPoints unhealthy foods (or foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat) have higher points and over 200 foods are given zero points, regardless of weight or measurement. After entering your personal data – height, age, gender, current weight, and weight-loss goals – you are assigned a daily points maximum. Weight Watchers’ simple formula involves the assignment of different point values – called SmartPoints – to foods based on their calorie, fat, protein, and sugar contents, among other factors food quantities/portions are also taken into consideration. Weight Watchers vs MyFitnessPal – In a Gist Let’s take a look at how these two weight-loss and management programs measure up against each other. More recent schemes, such as MyFitnessPal, become successful because they take advantage of the latest technologies. Some programs, like Weight Watchers, have outlasted countless diet and fitness fads and continue to have a loyal following. Some programs work better than others, with a person’s preference and level of commitment being significant contributing factors. Keeping track of what you eat has been one of the most effective weight-loss and weight-maintenance strategies that a lot of successful weight and fitness programs are based on.