So if you can't find the version that you are talking about, than the patch on is the second best thing. This news was just too good to pass up, so up on the front page it goes. There is a CT: Crimson Echoes patch on, which I don't think is the 98 version, and it is downloadable from there (along with their other hacks like The Prophet's Guile). Play it Download it 3. Staff note:Pursuant to ROMHacking dot net's policy of only including completed hacks in our database, we will not be hosting this hack here at this current time. Get Chrono Trigger - Crimson Echoes ROM for Super Nintendo right now. The demo is the relevant link on this news post. The project uses sprites from the original Chrono. This is truly a new Chrono Trigger adventure if you'd like to follow the team on another mission through time, jack in and download the patch! The instructions for playing are in the Readme. Almost two years ago, Square Enix attempted to prevent a fan-made Chrono Trigger sequel, Crimson Echoes, from ever releasing to the public. I'm really reluctant to reveal much more, as you must experience it for yourself! At a minimum, the demo will last 30-40 minutes at maximum, if you talk to all the NPCs and immerse yourself in the world of the game, it can last up to 3 hours or more. Nearly every era is accessible, and a host of other surprises await. The Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes project is releasing its second demo! Three chapters of the game are now playable (versus the simple prologue of the last game), featuring new areas, scenes, events, characters and story as the rich world of Crimson Echoes unfolds.

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